Hi folks - I'm looking for plants! Do you have any of them that you could share with, sell, or give me for a donation for GWAPA? I am on the the Western edge of Baltimore, basically at 695 & 70, but don't mind driving around some - my car is bored since the pandemic anyway.
My list includes:
- Azolla caroliniana**
- Fissidens Fontanus*
- Hemianthus micranthemoides, or Micranthemum micranthemoides
- Lilaeopsis chinensis*
- Limnobium spongia*
- Myriophyllum pinnatum
- Rotala ramosior
* = I would be really especially excited to find
** = yeah, I don't know if this one's a good idea, either, but I like the texture
Thanks for any leads y'all might have.