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Post by scientist0724 »

So I had bought some Fissidens a few months ago and it looked nice and compact. It's grown out a bit and is looking a little leggy. How do I get it to look nice and compact again? Do I trim it back or do I take some of it off the rock and re-tie it to a different rock?

Thanks for the help,
Posts: 76
Joined: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:03 pm

Post by gconcepcion »

Dunno if you ever solved this problem, but this is how I started some fresh fissidens about 1.5 weeks ago:

Sorry, the initial picture is pretty bad:

Just took this pictures a couple of minutes ago, the "mat's" are about 1.5 weeks old now:

You can see it starting to grow through the mesh, although the growth rate is incredibly slow compared to the other plants in the tank.

The square piece is simply strands of Fissidens laid flat and sandwiched between two pieces of wire mesh.

The fissidens rock in the background is fissidens laid flat on a rock + a piece of mesh I cut off of a regular shower loofa (brand new of course! no soap!) to keep it attached.

i'll take some more pics in a couple weeks after they've filled in a little bit more
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Post by kerokero »

I was told to just mow it to the length you wanted. Giving most the various mosses a regular trim keeps them bushy (accept for maybe stringy moss cuz it's... well... stringy LOL). I mowed my Fissidens back pretty far recently with no issue, and it's showing new growth, nice and bushy.

Whatever you trim off you could sandwich between mesh and grow them kinda like above to make more! So you can make more AND get that nice bushy look ;)
Best, Corey
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