The Aquatic Soil for use with emersed growth?

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Joined: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:28 pm
Real Name: Corey W
Location: Northern VA

The Aquatic Soil for use with emersed growth?

Post by kerokero »

I keep forgetting to ask at meetings when the miricale sludge comes up... could this be used for emersed growth? I've been slowly pulling information from Ghazanfar (thank you especially for putting up with all my questions, I want to get it right!) and since I got the "kit" from Aaron I'm now faced with the possibility of having way more of the substrate than I originally wanted for my little nano! Sooo... this begs the question, can I use it with my emersed and terrestrial (non-epiphytic typically wet feet loving) plants?

I've been tossing the idea around of just having my crypts and the like growing in shallow pans of the stuff, or somehow trying to figure out how to do smaller pots of it (more varieties this way if I'm so inclined). Thoughts?
Best, Corey
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