Went down today and helped him set them up. Poor silly man, thought I could scape worth a hill of beans!
Hopefully we did okay, what do you think?
Michael's new 33g cubes
Silly me!!
Will add plants as recommended. Also I'm slowly increasing the light - one bulb at 6 hours and second at 5 hours, weekly I will add 45 minutes to each until I'm at 9 and 10 hours. I already pulled the sponge filter from tank two - replaced it with a Rena XP2 ($66 with rebate coupon).
Will add plants as recommended. Also I'm slowly increasing the light - one bulb at 6 hours and second at 5 hours, weekly I will add 45 minutes to each until I'm at 9 and 10 hours. I already pulled the sponge filter from tank two - replaced it with a Rena XP2 ($66 with rebate coupon).
Member of GWAPA, CCA and PVAS plus American Begonia Society and Potomac Branch. Former PVAS President (twice) and Treasurer since 2015. Check out GoWildPeru on the web and FB for Peruvian Rain to Cloud Forest Tropical Fish and 'Plant' collecting trips.
No CO2 injection, waiting for Dave to figure out manifolds and then will look into centralized CO2 system for the fishroom. Currently using Excel 2ml/day and Marc Weiss "the Carbonator" 2ml/day and flourish 2ml/week (Sundays). I'll try a plant list; however, I'm sure to have blanks, will start now and post when I have it close. Second Rena arrived today from Big Als - $74.99 with free shipping. Hope to get a chance this weekend to swap out the Hagen.