my 125

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my 125

Post by halak »

I acquired a used 125 gallon tank at the end of last year. I spray painted the back black. Then I made the Sean-type substrate and topped it with ceramic coated quartz. I initially used four wood pieces (two from my 55 and two new from my in-law’s backyard), but later took one out and put a piece of rock in instead. I had some fungus growing on one of the wood pieces about two weeks after putting it in, but as I was introducing more and more fish, something took care of the white growth (my guess is the otos). I also put representatives of most of my plant species and the plants that I got from Sean and Steve N. into the tank. I had the plants in by mid April.

The lighting is 4x96 watts. I am using a Rena XP3 canister filter and a powerhead.

I have only a few fish and an Amano shrimp in the tank (3 SAEs, 5 oto cats, 6 neons, 6 rummynoses, 4 kerri tetras, 4 neon dwarf rainbows, 1 hillstream loach, 1 bloodfin tetra). So far I have lost 3 Amanos, one rainbow, one rummynose, and the 3 nerites I had there. At one point most of the fish started to gasp for air. When I lost a rainbow, I put in a powerhead and changed the position of the canister so more oxygen would enter the aquarium. As a result, the fish started to breathe normally. I haven’t had any problems since.

I am raising a group of neon rainbows, and I am planning on putting them in the tank in August.

As far as the plant species go, here is a list of what I believe the plants are:

Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia
Cryptocoryne sp.
Vallisneria spiralis
Corkscrew val
Echinodorus amazonicus
Echinodorus uruguayensis
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides
Aponogeton ulvaceus

Stem plants:

Blyxa japonica
Hydrocotyle leucocephala (pennywort)
Hemianthus micranthemoide
Ceratophyllum demersum
Ludwigia repens
Hygrophila polysperma

The first picture was taken in mid-April; the second one (the one with the tannin) is from a few days ago.
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Post by SCMurphy »

Filling in nicely
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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Post by krisw »

The tank's looking nice. :-) It's actually a tank big enough so that the amazon sword doesn't look out of place. Nice wood placement. I hope you keep updating this thread every couple months with new pictures as it grows in more and more.
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Post by halak »

My Aponogeton is flowering.
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Roan Art
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Post by Roan Art »

I got to see halak's tank in person and the photos do not give it justice. In fact, ALL his tanks are awesome :)

Thanks again for the tour and the peacocks have settled in nicely. BTW, I saw one of them eat the Earthworm Plus flakes last night. The rest were still hiding.

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Post by Aaron »

Yes, the tank looks very nice Viktor. I'm working on a 'Sean-strate' for my next tank right now. :)
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Post by halak »

This is what the tank looks like now. The fish are mostly neon dwarf rainbows that I bred for this tank.
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Ghazanfar Ghori
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Post by Ghazanfar Ghori »

Looking pretty good!
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Post by krisw »

Looks nice! I bet the dwarf neons are quite entertaining to watch in this tank. I bought a 13 juveniles of these fish at the catfish convention, and am hoping to breed them out to make a nice schooling tank. (Not enough tanks!)

I like the layout of your tank. The only suggestion I'd make would be to move the spiral val (or whatever plant it is) in the front right, to the background. Maybe replace it with the anubias floating in the top left. Otherwise, I think it looks really nice, and bet it's even better in person!
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Post by SCMurphy »

That is a great looking tank Viktor.
"したくさ" Sean

Aquascape? I'm a crypt farmer.

If you've got bait, I've got wasabi!

I wish I could be like Mr. Sarcastic when I grow up! ;)
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