Is there any USA equivalent of Aqua (Telford UK), that includes outdoor pond exhibitors?
( ... lford+2019)
From what I can tell, Aquashella appears to be more targeted to aquarium hobbyists: (how was this Jen? A response from you was the only reference to it)
Last winter I went to MANTS and there were only a handful of pond related vendors:
(If you have free time, and like garden plants, it's fun to check out. Bring lots of cash for good deals on plants vendors don't want to bring back. I got a free drone- thought it was some kind of garden light...)
USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?
- Posts: 453
- Joined: Fri Nov 07, 2014 4:32 pm
- Real Name: Linus Chen
- DonkeyFish
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- Real Name: Jen Williams
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Re: USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?
Aquashella was like nothing else I've been to. It was VERY targeted towards hobbyists, and really highlighted/showcased YouTubers/influencers--as in they were treated like rockstars. There were tons of vendors, but it was saltwater AND art. Which was, well, *interesting*. Their attendance numbers are very impressive.
Aquatic Experience is more of a B2B tradeshow that the public can attend. Since moving to NJ the attendance has been a fraction of what it was, but still a decent show. It's still the only show that has an official live aquascaping event (if that matters to anyone but me
Superzoo is another WPA event, in Vegas, not aquatic specific, and more B2B. Must be a business (or representing a business) to attend.
Global Pet is the big tradeshow in FL, but you have to be a member or business to enter (Strictly B2B).
There's Reef-A-Palooza and MACNA, but those are marine shows.
I'm not aware (but that's not saying much) of any pond specific shows... but wouldn't be surprised for a second if there was one (or more).
Aquatic Experience is more of a B2B tradeshow that the public can attend. Since moving to NJ the attendance has been a fraction of what it was, but still a decent show. It's still the only show that has an official live aquascaping event (if that matters to anyone but me

Superzoo is another WPA event, in Vegas, not aquatic specific, and more B2B. Must be a business (or representing a business) to attend.
Global Pet is the big tradeshow in FL, but you have to be a member or business to enter (Strictly B2B).
There's Reef-A-Palooza and MACNA, but those are marine shows.
I'm not aware (but that's not saying much) of any pond specific shows... but wouldn't be surprised for a second if there was one (or more).
It is not murder if you're killing snails.
Re: USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?
Check out the International Water Lily Society. They have a meeting every year around the world. Next year in Naples Florida. Not sure if they have a trade show/vendor period or not. Not aware of anything else active.