USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?

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USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?

Post by Linus_Cello »

Is there any USA equivalent of Aqua (Telford UK), that includes outdoor pond exhibitors?
( ... lford+2019)

From what I can tell, Aquashella appears to be more targeted to aquarium hobbyists: (how was this Jen? A response from you was the only reference to it)

Last winter I went to MANTS and there were only a handful of pond related vendors:
(If you have free time, and like garden plants, it's fun to check out. Bring lots of cash for good deals on plants vendors don't want to bring back. I got a free drone- thought it was some kind of garden light...)
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Re: USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?

Post by DonkeyFish »

Aquashella was like nothing else I've been to. It was VERY targeted towards hobbyists, and really highlighted/showcased YouTubers/influencers--as in they were treated like rockstars. There were tons of vendors, but it was saltwater AND art. Which was, well, *interesting*. Their attendance numbers are very impressive.

Aquatic Experience is more of a B2B tradeshow that the public can attend. Since moving to NJ the attendance has been a fraction of what it was, but still a decent show. It's still the only show that has an official live aquascaping event (if that matters to anyone but me :) lol)

Superzoo is another WPA event, in Vegas, not aquatic specific, and more B2B. Must be a business (or representing a business) to attend.

Global Pet is the big tradeshow in FL, but you have to be a member or business to enter (Strictly B2B).

There's Reef-A-Palooza and MACNA, but those are marine shows.

I'm not aware (but that's not saying much) of any pond specific shows... but wouldn't be surprised for a second if there was one (or more).
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Re: USA equivalent to Aqua Telford UK?

Post by Tim_Koles »

Check out the International Water Lily Society. They have a meeting every year around the world. Next year in Naples Florida. Not sure if they have a trade show/vendor period or not. Not aware of anything else active.
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