Fairfax fish room open

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Fairfax fish room open

Post by jgreenspan »

I will also happily accept guests today between noon and 3PM. I don't have quite as many tanks as Michael, but most of them have plants. I also have some fish for sale, some collected from Peru and others locally bred. Here is the list:

Neon tetras (200-300): $1 each
Small Festivum (4): $10
O. niger (4 at 6"): $40
A. hancocki (12): $8
Leoporinus (20 at about 1.5"): $6

I also have fish that I spawned here available:
C. aeneus (100 at 1"): $1
Firemouth (25 at 1+"): $2
Angels (35, parents are both blacks and gorgeous!): $5

My address is 4707 Olley Lane, Fairfax, VA 22032
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