A few of you have contacted me saying that you've received private messages containing spam from fake users. I've investigated the problem, and believe that I have a fix in place to prevent anyone who is not a GWAPA member, non-member, board member, or vendor on our forum from posting to the forum or sending private messages.
That said, if anyone receives any PMs contain spam from users you do not recognise, please forward a copy to the gwapa@gwapa.org email address so that I can investigate further. It's a shame that a some people on the internet insist on trying to disrupt other people's forums and websites. Hopefully the problem is solved now -- sorry for an inconvience!
Private Message Spam
Re: Private Message Spam
Thanks Kris. I had gotten a fake private msg too, but forgot to tell you about it.krisw wrote:A few of you have contacted me saying that you've received private messages containing spam from fake users. I've investigated the problem, and believe that I have a fix in place to prevent anyone who is not a GWAPA member, non-member, board member, or vendor on our forum from posting to the forum or sending private messages.
That said, if anyone receives any PMs contain spam from users you do not recognise, please forward a copy to the gwapa@gwapa.org email address so that I can investigate further. It's a shame that a some people on the internet insist on trying to disrupt other people's forums and websites. Hopefully the problem is solved now -- sorry for an inconvience!
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
Re: Private Message Spam
Thanks Julie. Just to be clear, you received the spam before yesterday evening, right?
Re: Private Message Spam
yes, it was a couple of weeks ago.krisw wrote:Thanks Julie. Just to be clear, you received the spam before yesterday evening, right?
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
Re: Private Message Spam
Wait, wait, wait. . . . so that offer to send me a huge box of rare plants if I just cashed a cashier's cheque for some Prince was spam!? Darnit.