Club trip to Fort Lauderdale ~ April 12th

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Sonny Disposition
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Club trip to Fort Lauderdale ~ April 12th

Post by Sonny Disposition »

Hi all. I'm speaking at the Gold Coast Aquarium Society on Wednesday, April 12th. Depending on when I can get a flight, I'll likely fly in sometime on Wednesday, have dinner with the club members before the meeting, stay Wednesday night and go fish collecting in the canals on Thursday, stay one more night, and fly out on Friday. If anyone is interested in booking a flight and coming along, that would be great. PVAS alumni and MyGroupAuctions founder Jeff Greenspan, now living in Florida, will be coming along.

The Aquatic Gardner's meeting is at the end of the month, but, if you're not planning on that, or if you're up for two trips in April, send me a message via the forum or to my Facebook account and I'll coordinate with you. I'll likely book the flight tomorrow or over the weekend.

You never know what you're going to find, or where you're going to find it. So keep looking.
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