PVAS vs. CCA Bowling Match

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Joined: Sat Oct 22, 2011 7:56 pm
Real Name: Joshua / Batfish
Location: Silver Spring

PVAS vs. CCA Bowling Match

Post by JLW »

Hey, GWAPAfolk, ya'll want in on this?

More details will be forthcoming once I get everything arranged ... but ....

Friday, February 8th, at 8 PM, PVAS vs. CCA Bowling Match in Silver Spring MD (most likely at White Oak Lanes, but I need to get finalised with them). The cost of this event is $25 per person, plus shoe rental ($4), and will last from 8-10 PM. It is family friendly, provided no one drops a bowling ball on their foot.

Proceeds from this event will go to the Give A Kid A Tank event at CCA's AquaMania. Check out the AquaMania page for more on this event, but basically, kids are given an aquarium to aquascape etc. as part of a contest, and then get to take the tank home. It's a great way to get kids involved in the hobby.

If you're interested in participating, send me a PM ASAP, or talk to me at the PVAS Feb. meeting. I need to have a final list by next monday at the ABSOLUTE latest (sooner the better, that's a week from a half hour from now). You must declare yourself as a member of Team PVAS (or, I suppose, if you really wanted to, team CCA ... y'know, if you don't like WINNING. ).

So, you plant guys have to tell me which fish club you're loyal to ... PVAS or CCA! Which will it be, the club with all the nice, pretty, plant-friendly fishes, or the ones with monsters that even eat your Anubias?

Actually, if you guys have enough interest, we could probably do a GWAPA team, too. :)
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