December meeting auction
December meeting auction
I have a 55 gallon acrylic tank I no longer need or want. If anyone thinks they might be interested in it, I’ll clean it up and put it in the auction at our December meeting. (It would include a wooden stand and a small light fixture.)
John Godbey
Springfield, VA
Springfield, VA
Re: December meeting auction
OK, there will not be a 55 gal tank in the auction. But what bout plants? What are people bringing? I'd love to get some slow growing plants to replace the stems in my 75.
John Godbey
Springfield, VA
Springfield, VA
Re: December meeting auction
I don't have much to offer, only one fair sized C. wendtii 'green gecko' that is taking over my nano tank. My 150 is full BBA and Cyanobacteria so I don't think you'll want any plants from that tank.
Re: December meeting auction
I should have some of the usual plants I've been bringing lately. Most likely:
Ranalisma rostrata
Staurogyne 'Porto Velho'
Blyxa japonica
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Ranalisma rostrata
Staurogyne 'Porto Velho'
Blyxa japonica
Hygrophila pinnatifida
Re: December meeting auction
I will likely be putting some plants in for the Club Swap with Seattle. The others I will put in the auction. Here is the list of what I will be bringing, plus likely some other plants that I don't have their names handy.
- Crypt nurii
Hairgrass “Murphy”
Hemianthus Glomeratus (aka often known as baby tears or pearlgrass)
Hydrilla verticillata
Lindernia Potidifolia varigated
Lobelia Cardinalis ʺsmallformʺ
Ludwigia Sp. repens xarcuata
Marsilea hirsuta - Four Leaf Clover Dwarf
Mini pellia
Polygonum sp. kawagoeanum
Rotala macrandra ‘mini butterfly’
EDIT: Added Christmas tree Moss
EDIT: Added Flame moss
Last edited by jweis on Wed Nov 21, 2012 12:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
Re: December meeting auction
Does anyone have POACEAE SP. 'PURPLE BAMBOO' that they could bring to the mtg. I'd trade for anything I have.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
37g planted, 11g planted, and three 5.2g planted shrimp tanks.
Re: December meeting auction
I'll be making an appearance -- the first in a long while. I'll bring a huge mass of deep red Ludwigia Arcuata and a baseball of fissidens. If anyone wants Trident I can bring some of that too.
I'll also bring some Red cherry shrimp too. They've been overrunning my tank since I've gone fishless.
I'll also bring some Red cherry shrimp too. They've been overrunning my tank since I've gone fishless.
Last edited by sns26 on Sat Dec 01, 2012 10:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: December meeting auction
I have the following for sale with free delivery to the meeting.
Oryzias woworae, size: 1.5 inches, $2 per fish or 10 for $16
Oryzias woworae, size: 1.5 inches, $2 per fish or 10 for $16
- DonkeyFish
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- Joined: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:42 pm
- Real Name: Jen Williams
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