Nov/Dec Holiday Potluck

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Real Name: Michael
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Post by mab »

Thank you all for visiting (also, for the thank yous.) It is always a joy to share my home and fish room. You are always welcome to visit the fish room - I'm down there every evening for a couple hours and of course on weekends.

On Sunday, I moved the ~30 Moenkhausia sanctaefilomenae that were in the blue barrel plus the Peruvian Scalares and M. mirificus to the 125g. I had to remove the tiger barbs since they were getting malicious with the new comers. I kept on finding fry that survived in the 'community tank' so that took awhile. I also planted a number of stems in there to fill out the plantings and give more cover to the angels and festivums. The redeyes are great to watch and are actually a very tight schooling fish. Next job is to rebuild the top and install the new CFs.

Now that I'm going to use the 125g for my angel tank I'll need to re-purpose the 110g once I'm successful with the reseal job. No Francine - it is still not for sale.

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Joined: Mon Nov 24, 2003 3:00 pm
Real Name: Francine Bethea
Location: Gwynn Oak, MD 21207

Post by FrannyB »

Once you go Dutch you can't stop trimming.
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